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This downloadable PDF provides over three years of research about child exploitation in America. This report includes statistics about:

  • Types of Child Exploitation
  • Threats & Risks to America's Children
  • Reports Made
  • The Systematic Failure
  • Societal Impacts of Exploitation

Support Our Research

Our Frontline Collaboration & Research Program spends thousands of hours collaborating with professionals and individuals with lived experiences. Researching the evidence-based facts through a cross-sectional analysis of federal reports, academic studies, and surveys from frontline workers. So that we are not an echo to broken narratives, but are a voice to real and substantive change for America's children. Providing programs from a collaborative environment produces cutting-edge training and content.



Our Unmasking Awareness Program brings awareness of the child exploitation "tree" and its "fruit" within society. Giving practical action items citizens can do to be the solution & frontline of defense of America's children. Few of us will be on the frontlines of child rescue, but we ALL are on the frontlines of prevention! Through the "Safe Adult Model," every citizen can become engaged and proactive in protecting our children. Together, we can stop child exploitation!



Our Child-Centered Training Program trains our citizens to be "watchful eyes" with early detection and safeguard techniques to assess when a child is at risk vs. in danger. We teach effective child-centered advocacy amid complex situations, helping individuals of all experience levels gain professional tools to safeguard and protect children.